CNMCC - Change Number of Maximum Connected Components


A node’s CNMCC value represents decrement of nodes number in maximal connected component.

CNMCC(u) = MCC(0)−MCC(u)

MCC(0) represents the nodes number in maximal connected component of the original network, and MCC(i) is the nodes number in the rest maximal connected components when removal node u and all its connecting edges.



  • SUN, H., LIANG, Y., CHEN, L., WANG, Y., DU, W. & SHI, X. 2013. An Improved Sum of Edge Clustering Coefficient Method for Essential Protein Identification. Journal of Bionanoscience, 7, 386-390. DOI: 10.1166/jbns.2013.1152 Publisher web site Endnote RIS file