Game Centrality


A dynamic centrality, called game centrality, defined as:
Initially let all nodes but node i cooperate, while set the initial strategy of node i to defect. Under these initial conditions the game centrality of a node i (GCi) is equal to the proportion of defectors averaged over the last 50 simulation steps.
The ability of initially defecting single nodes to break overall cooperation was called as 'game centrality'.
Game centrality (GC) is a relative measure useful for the comparison of the nodes in the same network. Game centrality values depend on the number of time steps (game rounds) and the number of parallel simulations. We may minimize GC-variability by measuring the proportion of defectors, where already no large fluctuations can be seen. This condition can be reached most of the times by using prisoner’s dilemma game on real world networks. [SIMKO, G. I. 2013]


  • SIMKO, G. I. & CSERMELY, P. 2013. Nodes having a major influence to break cooperation define a novel centrality measure: game centrality. PloS one, 8, e67159.